Autore: Vincenzo Martorella

EDDIE LANG JAZZ FESTIVAL ’04 – Performance review –

EDDIE LANG JAZZ FESTIVAL ’04 – Monteroduni (IS) –

…ma, il meglio doveva ancora arrivare perchè in una deliziosa piazzetta del centro storico, Carla Marciano ha tenuto un concerto pregevolissimo (è davvero brava la sassofonista campana, altro che), e ha subito la pacifica invasione sul palco di Bill Evans, Hiram Bullock ( che ha cantato – inventando il testo -, una Bye Bye Blackbird dignitosissima), Wolfgang Haffner e Victor Bailey. Hanno suonato insieme e divertito, divertendosi, finoalle due del mattino…

…but the best part had still to come because in a pretty small square in the historic centre, Carla Marciano has given a very high quality concert (the saxophonist from Salerno is talented indeed), and all of a sudden the stage has been peacefully invaded by Bill Evans, Hiram Bullock ( making the text up, he sang a very dignified Bye Bye Blackbird), Wolfgang Haffner and Victor Bailey. They all played together and amused both the audience and themeselves until two in the morning…